32 research outputs found

    CogCell: Cognitive Interplay between 60GHz Picocells and 2.4/5GHz Hotspots in the 5G Era

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    Rapid proliferation of wireless communication devices and the emergence of a variety of new applications have triggered investigations into next-generation mobile broadband systems, i.e., 5G. Legacy 2G--4G systems covering large areas were envisioned to serve both indoor and outdoor environments. However, in the 5G-era, 80\% of overall traffic is expected to be generated in indoors. Hence, the current approach of macro-cell mobile network, where there is no differentiation between indoors and outdoors, needs to be reconsidered. We envision 60\,GHz mmWave picocell architecture to support high-speed indoor and hotspot communications. We envisage the 5G indoor network as a combination of-, and interplay between, 2.4/5\,GHz having robust coverage and 60\,GHz links offering high datarate. This requires an intelligent coordination and cooperation. We propose 60\,GHz picocellular network architecture, called CogCell, leveraging the ubiquitous WiFi. We propose to use 60\,GHz for the data plane and 2.4/5GHz for the control plane. The hybrid network architecture considers an opportunistic fall-back to 2.4/5\,GHz in case of poor connectivity in the 60\,GHz domain. Further, to avoid the frequent re-beamforming in 60\,GHz directional links due to mobility, we propose a cognitive module -- a sensor-assisted intelligent beam switching procedure -- which reduces the communication overhead. We believe that the CogCell concept will help future indoor communications and possibly outdoor hotspots, where mobile stations and access points collaborate with each other to improve the user experience.Comment: 14 PAGES in IEEE Communications Magazine, Special issue on Emerging Applications, Services and Engineering for Cognitive Cellular Systems (EASE4CCS), July 201

    Two Models of Optical Pulse Self-Compressor Combined the Nonlinear Coupler with Backward Raman Fiber Amplifier

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    ABSTRACT Based on the nonlinearity of the nonlinear optical coupler (NOC) and the amplifying capacity of the backward Raman fiber amplifier (PBRFA), two new optical systems to compress the optical pulse (Optical Pulse Self-Compressor: OPSC) are proposed. Using the expressions describing relationship between input and output intensities from ports of the NOC and the derived expression describing the amplification of the PBRFA, the compressing process of the optical pulse propagating through the OPSC is simulated. The results show that the peak of the optical pulse will be enhanced and the duration of the optical pulse will be reduced significantly. Consequently, the shape of input pulse is completely compressed with the certain efficiency. It means the optical pulse is self-compressed without the external pump pulse by proposing the OPSC

    The lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability: panel evidence from a transitional economy

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    This study is the first to study the lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability in Vietnam. Using a unique panel dataset for the period 2005–2015, our results show that innovators achieve higher profit in comparison with non-innovating firms. The positive effects of innovation on firm profitability are observed not only in the short term but also in the longer term. The benefits of innovation for firm profitability can be seen in higher export probability, better productivity, better access to formal credit, and the ability to secure government support, but only after innovation

    Optical pulse Self-compressor combined the Nonlinear coupler with Backward Raman fiber amplifier

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    Based on the nonlinearity of the nonlinear optical coupler (NOC) and the amplifying capacity of the backward Raman fiber amplifier (PBRFA), a new optical system to compress the optical pulse (optical pulse self-compressor: OPSC) is proposed. Using the expressions describing relationship between output intensities from both output ports and input one of NOC and the expression describing the amplification of the PBRFA, the compressing process of the optical pulse propagating through OPSC is simulated. The results show that the peak of optical pulse will be enhanced and the duration of optical pulse will be reduced significantly, and the shape of input pulse is completely compressed with certain efficiency. It means the optical pulse is self-compressed without the pump pulse

    Consensus Recommendations by the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology: Optimising Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    The Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology convened a consensus statement panel for optimising cardiovascular (CV) outcomes in type 2 diabetes, and reviewed the current literature. Relevant articles were appraised using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation system, and consensus statements were developed in two meetings and were confirmed through online voting. The consensus statements indicated that lifestyle interventions must be emphasised for patients with prediabetes, and optimal glucose control should be encouraged when possible. Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) are recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease with adequate renal function, and for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. In addition to SGLT2i, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are recommended for patients at high risk of CV events. A blood pressure target below 140/90 mmHg is generally recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes. Antiplatelet therapy is recommended for secondary prevention in patients with atherosclerotic CV disease

    Modeling Waveform Generator of 77 GHz Automotive Radar for Multi-target Detection

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    This paper describes a waveform generator for 77 GHz automotive radar systems based on a fractional N-Phase Locked Loop (N-PLL) with a third-order delta-sigma (????). A control unit is used to control the ???? modulator to vary the output frequency. The behaviour of the generation is simulated in Simulink and ten output frequencies with a slight difference are generated. The proposed generator has the potential to generate a very small frequency difference with the flexibility in frequency shift, which is a good choice in limited bandwidth cases like automotive radar systems

    The Verification of Quiescent Current Increase at High Supply Voltage in Class AB Amplifier with Translinear Circuit

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    In this paper, the effect of quiescent current increase which is caused by high supply voltage in Class AB output stage is presented. Class AB output stage demand low quiescent current (IQ) which means low power consumption and high IMAX of IQ value which means high efficiency. However, quiescent current is increased when supply voltage increase. It makes power consumption increase. It is proven that when supply voltage is changed from 3V to 6V quiescent current is 69% increased. The circuit is simulated in a 0.18-??m High Voltage CMOS technology

    Dynamics of Short Recoil-Operated Weapon

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    In this article, the authors mentioned the function of short-recoil-operated weapons with a vertical sliding-wedge breechblock. The dynamic simulation was conducted and then the results were compared with the corresponding experimental data to verify reliability of the model. The model is calculated and tested out on the 37 mm twin anti-aircraft gun. Besides, the article presents the effect of some structural parameters on functionality of the automatic weapon. The reported results are an important theoretical basis to determine the rate of fire and the forces acting on the guns. The movement of the breechblock also affects stability of the weapon and can therefore be used to a math model or to simulate the movement of the weapon. Calculated and verified data could be used for the design of an automatic firing system as well as for solving vibration on automatic guns when burst firing

    Виробництво фікоціаніну високої чистоти шляхом застосування червоних світлодіодів (LEDs) при зростанні водоростей Spirulina platensis

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    Spirulina platensis культивується у великих масштабах по всьому світу, в першу чергу для забезпечення харчових добавок як для людей, так і для тварин. Для вивчення позитивного впливу джерела світла на фотоаутотрофне культивування Spirulina platensis у цьому дослідженні використовуються різні світлодіоди (LEDs) з різною довжиною хвилі світла. З експериментальних результатів випливає, що використання червоного LED з λmax = 632 нм призводить до найвищої питомої швидкості росту Spirulina platensis при постійному освітленні (192,5 мкмоль∙м – 2∙с – 1). Світло від LED в експерименті 2 визначено найкращим світлом для біомаси та фікоціаніну. Результати показують, що водорості росли до 7-го дня, а потім максимальна густина біомаси становила 1,231 ± 0,0005 г∙л – 1. Розвинене культивування займає 9 днів, даючи 3,54 мг∙мл – 1 C-фікоціаніну із Spirulina platensis з чистотою 2,0 г, для чого після LED в експерименті 2 включали червоний LED в експерименті 1, далі червоний LED в експерименті 3 і білий LED в контрольному експерименті. Передбачається, що цей результат відповідає питомій швидкості росту Spirulina platensis і C-фікоціаніну високої чистоти від червоного LED з λmax = 632 нм в експерименті 2, щоб довести, що ця довжина хвилі важлива для зростання водоростей з вмістом C-фікоціаніну високої чистоти. Отже, питання про біопотенціал цієї привабливої для промислового застосування водорості потребує подальшого вивчення.Spirulina platensis are cultured at a large scale around the world primarily for providing food supplements for human as well as animal diets. Various light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with different light wavelengths are conducted to explore the positive effects of light source on photoautotrophic cultivation of Spirulina platensis in this study. From the experimental results, red LED λmax = 632 nm exhibits the highest specific growth rate under continuous illumination (192,5 µmol m – 2 s – 1). Among them, red LED light in experiment 2 is determined as the best light for biomass and phycocyanin, results present that algae grew up to the 7th day and then the maximum density of biomass was 1.231 ± 0.0005 g L – 1, this developed cultivation takes 9 days, yielding 3.54 mg mL – 1 C-phycocyanin with a purity of 2.0 gram from Spirulina platensis, followed by red LED in experiment 1, red LED in experiment 3 and white LED in control. This result is proposed to fit the specific growth rates of Spirulina platensis and high C-phycocyanin from red LED λmax = 632 nm in the experiment 2 to determine this wavelength being important for algae growth with high C-phycocyanin. Hence, the information LEDS about the biopotential of this attractive alga for industrial application needs further research

    A 77 GHz waveform generator with MFSK modulation for automotive radar applications

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    In this paper, a 77 GHz waveform generator with Multiple Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) is presented. This modulation waveform can improve the detection ability of automotive radar systems. A MFSK Modulation Control Logic (MMCL) is proposed, incorporates a conventional ??-?? fractional-N Phase Locked Loop to generate the modulation waveform. The MMCL has capability to track the linear frequency sweep while generating the frequency shift keying (FSK) in each time step. Prior to realizing the hardware, a behavioural simulation is considered and the output of 64 steps is generated. The modulated frequency synthesizer is designed using 130-nm CMOS process. The module of 77 GHz waveform generator, which generates 128 modulation steps, is accomplished. The bandwidth and the frequency step of the modulation are 100 MHz and 300 kHz, respectively. The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has ability to realize the MFSK modulation waveform for automotive radar systems, also a short processing interval of 6 ms can be achieved